Authentic ministry connects people with God, self, and one another…

W. Ricky Burton

Wedding Officiant

Rev. Ricky understands love, relationships and the dynamics of marriage. He makes any wedding day memorable and any pre-marital/relational coaching session(s) life changing. Whether you are engaged, married, or trying to figure it our, Rev. Ricky is the right choice for you. Rev. Ricky is licensed to certify marriages in VA, MD and DC.

Pre Marital Counseling

Relationship Coaching & Counseling

Rev. Ricky is an exceptional relationship coach, utilizing authenticity and transparency to help couples connect. Building his unique perspectives through a career in IT leadership and team management, Ricky presents tangible solutions that “Connect people with God, self and one another.”

Corporate Team Coaching

Relationships are not limited to love but in every area of our lives. Rev. As a career Agile team lead and project manager, Ricky helps teams maximize effectiveness through the power of human connection. Ricky Offers exclusive training to empower team though working together.

Improving Team Communication w/ IT

Is there a lack of communication on your team? Learn about the technical solutions available on the market that can help your team improve on accountability, communication, and collaboration.

Delivering Value

Learn about how your teams can deliver more value to your constituency using the Agile Framework SCRUM. SCRUM is a teamwork methodology that helps teams prioritize efforts and work collaboratively with stakeholders and management to deliver value.

Leading From The Bottom

A team building session specifically designed for everyday working level leadership, helping teams and individuals learn how to be an impactful and innovative leader in a subordinate role.